Are you looking for a fun and creative way to blend relaxation with DIY craft projects? Look no further than making beautiful lavender wands right in the comfort of your own home! It’s a simple yet enchanting activity that can help you unwind and de-stress while creating a beautiful piece of nature-inspired art. With just a few materials and some fresh lavender stems, you can easily craft your very own lavender wands to enjoy or gift to loved ones. Let’s dive in and discover how you can bring a touch of nature’s beauty into your space with homemade lavender wands! How Can You Make Beautiful Lavender Wands at Home?

Have you ever seen those lovely lavender wands and wondered how they are made? Well, you’re in luck because in this article, we will guide you step by step on how you can create your own beautiful lavender wands right at home.

What You Will Need

Before you start making your lavender wands, it’s essential to gather all the necessary materials. Here’s a list of what you’ll need:


  • Fresh lavender stems
  • Ribbon or yarn
  • Scissors
  • Rubber bands
  • A small bowl of water

Gathering these materials before you start will make the process much smoother and more enjoyable.

Step 1: Harvest the Lavender

The first step in making lavender wands is to harvest the lavender. It’s best to do this when the lavender is fully bloomed but not yet past its prime. Cut the lavender stems, making sure they are long enough to create a wand.

Pro Tip:

Harvest your lavender early in the morning when the oils are most concentrated for a more fragrant wand.

Step 2: Prepare the Stems

Once you have harvested your lavender, it’s time to prepare the stems. Remove any leaves along the stem, leaving only the flowers at the top. You want the stem to be as straight as possible for weaving the ribbon later on.

Pro Tip:

If your lavender stems are too short, you can connect multiple stems together using rubber bands to create a longer one.

Step 3: Soak the Stems

Before you start weaving the ribbon around the lavender stems, it’s helpful to soak the stems in water. Submerge the lavender stems in a small bowl of water for about 30 minutes. This will make the stems more pliable and easier to bend without breaking.

Pro Tip:

If you don’t have time to soak the stems, you can also gently mist them with water using a spray bottle to achieve the same effect.

Step 4: Create the Base

To create the base of your lavender wand, choose an odd number of lavender stems (3, 5, or 7) and bundle them together at the base. Secure the stems with a rubber band, leaving about an inch of the stems exposed below the rubber band. This will be the handle of your lavender wand.

Pro Tip:

Make sure the rubber band is tight enough to hold the stems together but not too tight to damage them.

Step 5: Weave the Ribbon

Now comes the fun part – weaving the ribbon around the lavender stems to create the signature “woven” look of lavender wands. Start by tucking the end of the ribbon under the rubber band to secure it in place. Then, gently bend the stems down over the ribbon.

Pro Tip:

Choose a ribbon color that complements the lavender flowers for a more visually appealing wand.

Step 6: Weave the Ribbon (continued)

Next, take the ribbon and weave it over the first lavender stem, under the second, over the third, and so on. Continue weaving the ribbon in this pattern until you reach the end of the stems.

Pro Tip:

Keep the ribbon tight as you weave to ensure a neat and uniform look for your lavender wand.

Step 7: Secure the Ribbon

Once you have reached the end of the lavender stems, tie off the ribbon securely at the base of the wand. You can also trim any excess ribbon for a clean finish.

Pro Tip:

To add a decorative touch, you can tie a bow at the base of the wand or leave the ends of the ribbon dangling for a more rustic look.

Step 8: Let the Lavender Wand Dry

After you have completed weaving the ribbon around the lavender stems, set your lavender wand aside to dry. Place it in a cool, dry area away from direct sunlight. Let the lavender wand dry for at least 24 hours to ensure that the ribbon sets in place.

Pro Tip:

If you want to enhance the fragrance of your lavender wand, you can add a drop of lavender essential oil to the ribbon before tying it off.

Step 9: Display Your Lavender Wand

Once your lavender wand is fully dry, it’s ready to be displayed! Lavender wands make beautiful decorations and can also be hung in your closet or drawers to keep your clothes smelling fresh.

Pro Tip:

To preserve the fragrance of your lavender wand, store it in a sealed plastic bag when not in use.

Step 10: Enjoy Your Handmade Lavender Wand

Congratulations! You have successfully made your own beautiful lavender wand at home. Now, sit back, relax, and enjoy the lovely aroma of lavender that fills your space.

Pro Tip:

You can experiment with different ribbon colors and weaving patterns to create unique lavender wands that reflect your personal style.

In conclusion, making lavender wands at home is a fun and rewarding craft that allows you to enjoy the beauty and fragrance of lavender in a unique way. With these simple steps and tips, you can create your own stunning lavender wands to decorate your home or give as thoughtful gifts to friends and family. So go ahead, gather your materials, and start crafting your own lavender wands today!