Welcome to the wonderful world of natural moth repellents! In this article, we will show you how to easily and effectively repel moths using DIY lavender sachets. Lavender not only smells amazing, but it also has strong moth-repelling properties, making it the perfect ingredient for creating your own natural moth deterrent. Say goodbye to harsh chemicals and hello to a fresh, lavender-scented closet! Have you ever opened your closet to find holes in your favorite sweater or pants, only to realize that moths have invaded your wardrobe? It’s a common problem that many people face, but there is a natural and inexpensive solution – DIY lavender sachets. Not only do these sachets help repel moths, but they also leave your clothes smelling fresh and clean. In this article, we’ll show you how to make your own lavender sachets, so you can protect your clothes and say goodbye to pesky moths for good.

Why Lavender is Effective in Repelling Moths

Lavender has been used for centuries for its natural insect-repelling properties. The strong, pleasant scent of lavender is known to repel moths and other insects, such as mosquitoes and flies. Moths are attracted to clothes made of natural fibers, such as wool and silk, and they lay their eggs on these fabrics. When the eggs hatch, the larvae feed on the fibers, causing damage to your clothes.

The Science Behind Lavender’s Moth-Repelling Properties

Lavender contains natural oils, such as linalool and linalyl acetate, which are toxic to moths and their larvae. These oils disrupt the moth’s nervous system, making them less likely to infest your clothes. Additionally, lavender has a strong fragrance that masks the scents that attract moths, such as body oils and food stains. This makes your clothes less appealing to moths, reducing the chances of an infestation.

Materials Needed to Make DIY Lavender Sachets

Before you can start making your own lavender sachets, you’ll need to gather a few materials. Most of these items can be found at your local craft store or online. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Dried lavender buds or flowers
  • Muslin or cotton fabric
  • Scissors
  • Needle and thread
  • Ribbon or twine
  • Optional: essential oils (such as lavender or cedarwood)

Where to Find Dried Lavender Buds or Flowers

Dried lavender buds or flowers can be purchased at health food stores, herbal shops, or online retailers. You can also harvest your own lavender from your garden if you have the plant growing at home. Just be sure to dry the lavender thoroughly before using it in your sachets.

How To Repel Moths Naturally With DIY Lavender Sachets

Step-By-Step Guide to Making DIY Lavender Sachets

Now that you have all the materials ready, it’s time to start making your own lavender sachets. Follow these simple steps to create your homemade moth repellents:

Step 1: Cut Fabric into Square Pieces

Start by cutting your muslin or cotton fabric into squares of your desired size. A good size for a sachet is around 4×4 inches, but you can make them larger or smaller, depending on your preference. You will need two fabric squares for each sachet.

Step 2: Sew Three Sides of the Fabric Together

Place two fabric squares on top of each other, with the wrong sides facing out. Sew three sides of the fabric together, leaving one side open. You can hand-sew the fabric with a needle and thread, or use a sewing machine for faster results.

Step 3: Fill the Sachet with Dried Lavender Buds

Fill the open sachet with dried lavender buds or flowers, leaving some room at the top. You can add a few drops of essential oils, such as lavender or cedarwood, for extra fragrance and moth-repellent properties.

Step 4: Sew the Fourth Side of the Fabric Together

Once the sachet is filled with lavender, sew the fourth side of the fabric together to seal the sachet shut. Make sure to secure the stitches tightly, so the lavender doesn’t spill out.

Step 5: Add a Ribbon or Twine for Hanging

To hang your lavender sachet in your closet or wardrobe, attach a ribbon or twine to the top of the sachet. You can tie a knot at the end of the ribbon or twine for easy hanging.

Where to Place Lavender Sachets to Repel Moths

Now that you’ve made your DIY lavender sachets, it’s time to place them strategically in your closet or wardrobe to repel moths effectively. Here are some tips on where to position your sachets for maximum impact:

Hanging in Your Closet

Hang your lavender sachets on clothing hangers in your closet or wardrobe. The scent of lavender will naturally repel moths and keep your clothes smelling fresh. Make sure to space out the sachets evenly throughout your closet for even coverage.

Placing in Drawers

Place a lavender sachet in each drawer where you store your clothes. The sachets will help repel moths and protect your clothes from damage. You can also place a sachet in your suitcase when traveling to keep your clothes moth-free.

Tucking in Storage Bins

If you store off-season clothes in plastic or fabric storage bins, tuck a lavender sachet in each bin to repel moths. The scent of lavender will permeate the bin, keeping moths at bay and protecting your clothes while in storage.

Hanging in Garment Bags

If you have delicate or special occasion clothes hanging in garment bags, add a lavender sachet to each bag to repel moths. The sachet will protect your clothes from moth damage and keep them smelling fresh until you’re ready to wear them.

How Long Do Lavender Sachets Last?

Lavender sachets are a natural and long-lasting way to repel moths from your clothes. The scent of lavender can last up to six months, depending on the quality of the dried lavender buds or flowers used. To refresh the scent of your lavender sachet, simply squeeze the sachet gently to release more fragrance.

When to Replace Lavender Sachets

When the scent of your lavender sachet starts to fade, it’s time to replace it with a new one. You can reuse the old sachet by emptying out the old lavender buds and refilling it with fresh buds. This will ensure that your clothes remain protected from moths year-round.

Additional Tips for Repelling Moths Naturally

In addition to using lavender sachets, there are other natural ways to repel moths and protect your clothes from damage. Here are some additional tips to keep moths away from your closet:

Clean Your Clothes Regularly

Moths are attracted to body oils, sweat, and food stains on clothes, so it’s essential to clean your clothes regularly. Wash your clothes in hot water or dry clean them to remove any moth eggs or larvae hiding in the fibers.

Store Clothes in Airtight Containers

To prevent moths from infesting your clothes, store them in airtight containers, such as plastic bins or vacuum storage bags. This will create a barrier that moths can’t penetrate, keeping your clothes safe from damage.

Use Cedar Blocks or Chips

Cedar wood has natural moth-repellent properties and can be used in conjunction with lavender sachets to protect your clothes. Place cedar blocks or chips in your closet or drawers to repel moths and keep your clothes moth-free.

Vacuum and Clean Your Closet

Moths love dark, undisturbed spaces, so it’s important to vacuum and clean your closet regularly to remove any moth eggs or larvae hiding in corners or crevices. Pay special attention to carpeted areas where moths may lay their eggs.


Protecting your clothes from moths doesn’t have to be expensive or complicated. With DIY lavender sachets, you can naturally repel moths and keep your clothes smelling fresh and clean. By following the step-by-step guide in this article and using the additional tips provided, you can say goodbye to moth infestations and enjoy a moth-free wardrobe year-round. So why wait? Start making your own lavender sachets today and protect your clothes the natural way.