Lavender House: A Novel” by Lev AC Rosen is a captivating tale set in 1952 at the mysterious estate of recently deceased matriarch Irene Lamontaine. In this suspenseful story with a queer historical twist, the Lamontaine family must navigate secrets, murder, and old money in their quest for truth. When Evander Mills is hired to uncover the mystery behind Irene’s death, he finds himself entangled in a complex web of deceit and danger. With its seductive blend of intrigue, freedom, and family dynamics, Lavender House offers an unforgettable experience, showcasing the dark and captivating world of suspense fiction. Have you ever craved a suspenseful novel that combines historical intrigue with queer representation? If so, Lavender House: A Novel by Lev AC Rosen might be just the book you’ve been looking for. Dive into a world of secrets, deception, and unexpected twists in this captivating story set in 1952 at the Lavender House estate. Let’s explore what makes this novel a must-read for fans of suspense and LGBTQ+ representation.

Check out the Lavender House: A Novel here.

Plot Overview

Step into the world of Lavender House, where the mysterious death of the matriarch, Irene Lamontaine, sets off a chain of events that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Join Evander Mills, a former police officer with a secret of his own, as he delves into the dark secrets hidden within the walls of the estate. As the truth behind Irene’s death unravels, you’ll find yourself drawn into a web of intrigue, betrayal, and unexpected alliances.

Engaging and Riveting Storyline

The plot of Lavender House: A Novel unfolds in a way that will keep you hooked from beginning to end. The rich tapestry of characters, each with their own secrets and motivations, adds depth and complexity to the story. As you follow Evander’s investigation and unravel the mysteries of Lavender House, you’ll find yourself swept up in a suspenseful and engaging narrative that will leave you guessing until the very last page.

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From Evander Mills, the enigmatic investigator with a troubled past, to the colorful residents of Lavender House, the characters in this novel are as diverse as they are intriguing. Each character is brought to life with depth and nuance, making them feel like real people you might meet in your own life. Whether you find yourself rooting for Evander, sympathizing with the struggles of the residents, or uncovering the hidden agendas of the Lamontaine family, the characters in Lavender House will stay with you long after you’ve finished reading.

Evander Mills: The Reluctant Investigator

Evander Mills, also known as Andy, is a compelling protagonist whose journey of self-discovery mirrors the central themes of the novel. As Andy delves deeper into the secrets of Lavender House, he must confront his own past, his own fears, and his own desires. His interactions with the other characters reveal not only his investigative skills but also his emotional vulnerability, making him a relatable and complex hero.

The Residents of Lavender House

The residents of Lavender House are a diverse and eclectic group, each with their own quirks and secrets. From the loyal staff who have served the Lamontaine family for generations to the enigmatic family members themselves, the inhabitants of Lavender House add depth and complexity to the novel. As Andy navigates the relationships and rivalries within the estate, he begins to uncover the hidden truths that lie beneath the surface of this seemingly idyllic setting.


Step back in time to 1952 and immerse yourself in the opulent world of Lavender House. The grand estate, with its hidden passageways, lush gardens, and elegant ballrooms, serves as a rich and atmospheric backdrop for the story. As you explore the nooks and crannies of the estate alongside Evander, you’ll find yourself captivated by the intricate details and historical accuracy that bring the setting to life.

Lavender House: A Character in Itself

Lavender House is more than just a setting; it’s a character in its own right. The estate’s storied past, its hidden secrets, and its unique atmosphere all contribute to the novel’s sense of mystery and intrigue. As Andy navigates the halls and corridors of Lavender House, he discovers that the walls hold more than just memories—they hold the key to unlocking the truth behind Irene’s death.


Lavender House: A Novel explores a variety of themes that resonate with readers of all backgrounds. From the complexities of family dynamics to the struggles of identity and acceptance, the novel delves deep into issues that are both timeless and timely. As you follow Evander on his journey of discovery, you’ll find yourself reflecting on your own beliefs, values, and prejudices.

Family, Loyalty, and Betrayal

At the heart of Lavender House: A Novel lies a complex web of family relationships, loyalties, and betrayals. The Lamontaine family, with its long-held secrets and hidden agendas, serves as a microcosm of larger societal issues. As Evander unravels the mysteries of the estate, he uncovers the ways in which family ties can both bind and blind us, leading to unexpected alliances and heartbreaking betrayals.

Identity and Acceptance

One of the central themes of Lavender House: A Novel is the struggle for identity and acceptance in a world that often seeks to suppress and silence those who are different. The residents of Lavender House, with their openness and honesty about their queer identities, stand in stark contrast to the closed-minded attitudes of the outside world. As Andy grapples with his own secrets and desires, he must confront the societal norms that seek to define and restrict him, ultimately finding acceptance within the walls of Lavender House.

Writing Style

Lev AC Rosen’s writing style in Lavender House: A Novel is both evocative and engaging, drawing readers in with its vivid descriptions, sharp dialogue, and suspenseful pacing. The author’s attention to detail, historical accuracy, and nuanced character development create a world that feels rich and immersive. Whether you’re a fan of mystery novels, historical fiction, or LGBTQ+ literature, you’ll find something to love in Rosen’s masterful storytelling.

Vivid Descriptions and Atmosphere

Rosen’s descriptive prose brings the world of Lavender House to life with its vivid imagery and immersive detail. From the scents of the soap factories to the grandeur of the estate’s gardens, every aspect of the setting is rendered with care and precision. As you journey through the halls and rooms of Lavender House, you’ll feel as though you’re right there alongside Evander, experiencing the sights, sounds, and smells of this captivating world.

Sharp Dialogue and Characterization

One of Rosen’s strengths as a writer is his ability to create distinct and memorable characters through their dialogue and interactions. Each character in Lavender House has a unique voice, mannerisms, and motivations that bring them to life on the page. Whether you’re eavesdropping on a conversation between two residents or witnessing a tense standoff between Evander and a suspect, the sharp dialogue and character dynamics keep the story moving at a brisk and compelling pace.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, Lavender House: A Novel is a must-read for fans of suspense, mystery, and LGBTQ+ representation. Lev AC Rosen has crafted a compelling and thought-provoking narrative that will keep you guessing until the very end. With its engaging plot, diverse characters, rich setting, and timeless themes, Lavender House is a novel that will stay with you long after you’ve turned the final page. Whether you’re a seasoned reader or a newcomer to the world of historical fiction, this book is sure to captivate and entertain you. Dive into the secrets of Lavender House and discover a world of intrigue, danger, and unexpected twists that will leave you craving more.

Learn more about the Lavender House: A Novel here.

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